An environmental view
Giles Wilson’s vision is to be a well-structured and organised progressive law firm, providing consistently excellent quality and rounded professional service, throughout the firm, to its client, for life.
A progressive firm must be just that i.e. developing and looking towards the future. In GW’s view this must factor in considering our environmental impact (particularly with the vision to support future generations of clients!)
Our partner Pippa has initiated our review of how we operate with our waste contractor to see where improvements can be made, and we are excited to ‘upgrade’ our approach to becoming a greener firm. We will be including a ‘green policy’ within our internal manual and rolling out training, with volunteers to act as green champions to promote such policy and encourage colleagues and clients alike to be conscious of their carbon footprint.
Even with the pressures which can arise in a lawyer’s day-to-day, we must still prioritise our planet. Happy recycling all!