Anyone of the above is able to help advise in the first instance; pick up the phone and call 01702 477106 if you need to speak to a family lawyer.
Leah Ellis
Senior Lawyer, Family LawLeah is an Associate solicitor and integral member of our Family Law Team. Leah undertakes a wide variety of work to include divorce, financial settlement, children matters, domestic violence, cohabitation disputes, pre-nuptial agreements and also change of name deeds.
Services: Family
Hourly rate: £305p/h
Latest insights from Leah
A divorce is difficult for a family to navigate through, but it can be especially hard when there is a child that has been diagnosed with a neurodivergent condition.
Clients speak to Leah knowing it is in complete confidence and without judgment.
It can be tempting to overlook the expertise of a solicitor when the cost of a DIY Divorce is so affordable, but the value of legal expertise cannot be overstated.